Zoom News: Gesture Recognition

Zoom News

A recent update in Zoom enables a new feature where a meeting participant can perform a gesture to the camera and it will be translated into the appropriate gesture symbol on the screen. This is a great tool for students and professors to use, allowing for a more intuitive way to react in a session. The new feature works with two gestures – the “raise hand” and the “thumbs-up.”

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LEC Faculty Studio Now Booking Appointments for the Winter Term

Square LEC Faculty Studio

We are so proud to present you with the new LEC Faculty Studio! This new space allows faculty the opportunity to create and edit a variety of engaging content types for their courses. Here, you can film video and record audio for course content including welcome videos, course tours, course orientations, and much more. Our new 66” lightboard will allow you to craft engaging content and illustrate concepts while maintaining a connection with your audience.

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Zoom News: Update to Version 5.8.0

Zoom News

The latest Zoom Update to version 5.8.0 offers a couple of features that can be handy for the classroom. The first is “poll access for alternative hosts” which allows an alternative host to add or edit polls. When multiple instructors are in a canvas course, typically a primary instructor is the host, and all other instructors are automatically listed as alternative hosts to meetings created in Canvas. This feature provides all instructors in the canvas course the ability to add and edit polls for meetings. This is helpful for faculty who want to create polls to use but were listed as alternative hosts.

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Zoom News: Focus Mode

Zoom News

Inside of a recent Zoom Update to the desktop software (5.7.5), there is a great feature for those instructors who are teaching online courses. When delivering instruction, especially via Zoom it can be challenging for faculty to keep students focused on the instruction. The new feature, called Focus Mode, once enabled allows the instructor to prevent student’s video streams from distracting each other by displaying only student’s names instead of their video stream. The instructor will still see the students’ video and students will see the instructor in addition to their own video stream. With two clicks the instructor can disable Focus Mode to allow for a class discussion and can easily be shifted back when appropriate.  

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SharkMedia Captions Upgrade

SharkMedia Captions Upgrade

Some of our recent LEC Newsletter articles shared the importance of captioning video content for advancing the accessibility of your course content. With the goal of improving course content accessibility in mind, the Office of Innovation and Information Technology recently upgraded our captioning service available within SharkMedia. The new service replaces Cielo 24 with Kaltura Captions Reach V2.

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