Zoom News: Annotate with a Vanishing Pen and Full Suite of Emojis

Zoom News

The Zoom application was updated on Monday 4/19 (Version 5.6.3) which brought a couple of features you might enjoy in your classroom. When someone is screen sharing, you now have the ability to Annotate with a Vanishing Pen. This is helpful if you need to point out something on a screen share, but don’t need the markings to persist. Any marks made with the vanishing pen disappear within a few seconds. 

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Enhance the Quality of Your Online Course- New LEC Course Templates are Here!

New Templates Featured

As a part of the Learning and Educational Center’s continuous efforts to promote course quality and academic success, we have created a fresh new look with three new Canvas Course Template options. The new template pages have a sleek, visually appealing look and feel while remaining quality-focused to assist faculty in creating courses that provide organization and transparency for students. These templates can be used individually as a complete package or pages from different templates can be combined to meet your needs. The new Course Template options are based on the Backwards Design model as well as the essential standards of the Quality Matters (QM) rubric.  Templates for Learning   The templates are designed to help you modify your courses to be accessible and inclusive of the diverse needs of all students.  Drawing upon the collective research of professional organizations such as Quality Matters and the Online Learning Consortium, we know that clear course organization enhances the overall learning experience.  Additional recommendations include keeping things simple by driving students to central locations within the course for ease of access to relevant course information and materials.  For instance, students should be able to access readings, assignments, and supplementary resources on the “Module Overview” pages. You may want to avoid having students click several links or scrolling endlessly to locate pertinent information.  Students find this approach frustrating and it detracts from the overall learning experience.  The new Course Template design options feature a placeholder for the name of your course as well as […]

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Coming Soon – New LEC Course Templates

Coming Soon LEC Templates

Our Instructional Design team has been working hard to create new, visually appealing templates for you to use when designing your Fall Semester courses. These new templates continue a tradition of providing an organized structure for faculty and students while also being visually appealing. Stay connected with the LEC to learn more about these templates and be sure to watch for our release of the templates next week.

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New Text Message Reminders Tool for Students Now Available!

LazyTexts Intro

Students often forget about due dates for upcoming assignments and quizzes. The Office of Innovation and Information Technology (OIIT) in collaboration with the Undergraduate Student Government Association made available a new tool for students to receive text reminders about important deadlines. Students now have the ability to set up a daily automated text message alerting them to upcoming assignments and quizzes via a new tool called Lazy Texts.

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Infusing Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Into Distance and Blended Educational Environments

Facilitator: Tim Scala, Psy.D., Associate Professor/Licensed Clinical Supervisor Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice We invite you to join Dr. Scala and your colleagues on April 7th as we explore Infusing Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Into Distance & Blended Educational Environments. The purpose of this session is to assist faculty in understanding the importance of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and integrating concepts and strategies of SEL into online distance and blended educational environments. Common student challenges/concerns along with solutions will be discussed. Online resources will be provided that faculty can refer to and utilize in their courses. 

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Creating Meaningful Social Presence in Online Classes

LEC Guest Lecture Series Creating Meaningful Social Presence

Facilitator: Jennifer Reeves, Ph.D. Director of Dissertation Support Services/Associate Professor Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice. Using Garrison, Anderson and Archer’s (2000) Community of Inquiry (CoI) Framework, this interactive presentation will focus on ways to create meaningful and lasting social presence in your online classes, meetings, and/or virtual conference.

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Three Engaging Instructional Activities to Stimulate Active Learning


In a recent LEC Newsletter Article, Leveraging Canvas and NSU Software in the Online Classroom, you were introduced to some of the tools you have available to stimulate active and learner-aligned strategies to students such as videos and zoom breakout rooms. This article presents three easy-to-setup activities that you can use immediately in your course to generate interest and increase student engagement. Think-Breakout-Share, Short Video Burst and Fishbowl Discussions are all presented.

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