Canvas Corner: Courses, Gradebook, Modules, RCE, SpeedGrader, & Personal Pronouns Guide

Canvas Corner 1-15

In the January 15th, 2022 Canvas release, the expanded or collapsed state of the Course Navigation Menu persists throughout all Canvas courses. In the Rich Content Editor, accessibility issues are displayed via an indicator over the Accessibility Checker icon. This functionality was previously managed by the Accessibility Checker Indicator feature option, which has been enforced for all Canvas institutions. In the Gradebook, the Missing status is removed for missing submissions that receive a manually entered grade. In SpeedGrader, graders are notified about unposted comments. Accompanying this Canvas Corner is a guide to share with your students on how to select personal pronouns in your user account.  

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Welcome Back from the LEC

Welcome and Happy New Year! The LEC is excited to kick off 2022 with a variety of professional development events and resources. In this issue, we begin with a Year in Review and highlight many of the LEC initiatives from 2021. We are grateful for your interest in using our resources to support NSU’s Vision 2025 and our path toward preeminence.

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A Comprehensive Review of 2021

2021 Year in Review Icon

This was a year of transition and dynamic change. With the global pandemic, and with the return to our campus, faculty made the heroic effort to transform their classroom experiences from the BlendFlex model to the face-to-face classroom in a very short time. The Learning and Educational Center (LEC) hosted a series of workshops, deeply rooted in teaching pedagogy, organized training for faculty, published articles, and created videos to support our mission to improve the quality of teaching and learning at NSU. Towards the end of the year, our Brand New LEC Faculty Studio was brought to life! Finally, we were able to implement the Thank-a-Professor Program to allow our NSU Students to send Thank-You notes to our Teaching Faculty for the amazing work that you do in your classroom! In case you missed these, below are links to some of the articles, Shark Notes, and videos along with some data on the workshops that we hosted and co-hosted with some of our university partners in 2021.

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LEC Faculty Studio Now Booking Appointments for the Winter Term

Square LEC Faculty Studio

We are so proud to present you with the new LEC Faculty Studio! This new space allows faculty the opportunity to create and edit a variety of engaging content types for their courses. Here, you can film video and record audio for course content including welcome videos, course tours, course orientations, and much more. Our new 66” lightboard will allow you to craft engaging content and illustrate concepts while maintaining a connection with your audience.

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An Awesome Year, Rewind of the Best Articles, Workshops, LEC Initiatives and Shark Notes from the LEC

2021 Year in Revew Banner

This was a year of transition and dynamic change. With the global pandemic, and with the return to our campus, faculty made the heroic effort to transform their classroom experiences from the BlendFlex model to the face-to-face classroom in a very short time. The Learning and Educational Center (LEC) hosted a series of workshops, deeply rooted in teaching pedagogy, organized training for faculty, published articles, and created videos to support our mission to improve the quality of teaching and learning at NSU. Towards the end of the year, our Brand New LEC Faculty Studio was brought to life! Finally, we were able to implement the Thank-a-Professor Program to allow our NSU Students to send Thank-You notes to our Teaching Faculty for the amazing work that you do in your classroom! In case you missed these, below are links to some of the articles, Shark Notes, and videos along with some data on the workshops that we hosted and co-hosted with some of our university partners in 2021.    Review of LEC Articles in 2021  The LEC published several articles in 2021 ranging with topics from Classroom Management, Teaching, and Instruction, BlendFlex, Instructional Strategies, Accessibility, Writing Course Objectives and took a deep dive at the Role of Motivation in Online Learning. If you missed them, here are […]

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