Zoom News: Annotate with a Vanishing Pen and Full Suite of Emojis

Zoom News

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The Zoom application was updated on Monday 4/19 (Version 5.6.3) which brought a couple of features you might enjoy in your classroom. When someone is screen sharing, you now have the ability to Annotate with a Vanishing Pen. This is helpful if you need to point out something on a screen share, but don’t need the markings to persist. Any marks made with the vanishing pen disappear within a few seconds.


Also in this update, a Full suite of Emoji reactions became available. The standard emoji of clapping hands, thumbs up, etc. are available, but now there are dozens more emoji available. You might recall that Dr. Jennifer Reeves mentioned in her LEC Guest Lecture session how she uses Emoji to connect with her students and create a social presence. This update will likely delight anyone who likes to use emoji. Also, if you are new to emoji, check out https://emojipedia.org/ 


The full details of all updates are available on the Zoom Website. As always, be sure to keep your Zoom software up to date.   

To update your Zoom Application, check out these directions.