Introducing Turnitin Draft Coach: A New Tool for Student Writing Support

The LEC is excited to notify you of a new tool for student writing assistance and evaluation – Turnitin Draft Coach. This cutting-edge innovation will streamline our students’ writing process and support our faculty in evaluating assignments more efficiently. 

What is Turnitin Draft Coach? 

Turnitin Draft Coach is a comprehensive writing assistance tool that focuses on assisting students with their academic writing tasks.  

You are probably familiar with other add-in software such as Grammarly. Draft Coach is similar but provides more functionality and writing support. 

Features and Benefits of Turnitin Draft Coach 

Turnitin Draft Coach is designed to seamlessly assist students in the creation of high-quality academic work, bolstering their self-directed learning process. It integrates with  Microsoft Word Online enabling students to access writing feedback as they create and write their ideas. Here are some of the features and benefits of Draft Coach. 

  1. Instantaneous Feedback: Draft Coach provides real-time, formative feedback on students’ written work, enabling them to correct and improve their writing instantaneously.
  2. Similarity Check: Effectively identifies and highlights matching text from a vast array of online sources, preventing inadvertent plagiarism and promotes originality.
  3. Grammar and Citation Checks: Draft Coach supports students in refining their language usage, punctuation, and citation style, thereby enhancing the quality of their academic writing.
  4. Accessibility: Draft Coach is accessible at any time, providing students with the convenience of having professional writing assistance as and when they need it.

Strategies for Students to Effectively Use Draft Coach 

Following are some suggestions on how instructors can incorporate Draft Coach into their courses.  

  1. Incorporate in Curriculum: Integrating Draft Coach use in the course curriculum can make students accustomed to its features, promoting regular use.
  2. Highlight the Benefits: Regularly remind students of the benefits of using Draft Coach, such as avoiding possible plagiarism and enhancing academic writing skills
  3. First Draft Submission: Encourage students to submit their first drafts through Draft Coach, so they can receive immediate feedback and make necessary improvements before final submission.
  4. Peer-to-peer Learning: Encourage students to help each other with the tool, thereby promoting a collaborative learning environment.

Support for Draft Coach  

We understand that a new tool’s implementation may come with some challenges. To help navigate these, Turnitin provides comprehensive support for both students and instructors: 

For Instructors and Students: Turnitin has created a student and Instructor guide that provides step-by-step instructions on how to use Turnitin Draft Coach. It can be accessed via this link: Resources for Turnitin Draft Coach | Turnitin

This tool is available now for all students and faculty.  Click here for installation instructions.

Click here for how-to instructions.

Look forward to seeing improvements in students’ writing skills with Turnitin Draft Coach.  We invite you to explore this new tool.   Fins-up to enhancing quality and boosting productivity at NSU with Turnitin Draft Coach.