Classic Rewind Series: Learning in Motion: Incorporating Movement to Facilitate Learning and Engagement

Traditional classrooms often confine students to desks, promoting sedentary behaviors that can harm health and hinder focus. However, integrating movement into learning offers numerous advantages beyond academic achievement, spanning neurological, physiological, and mental health benefits. This session explores dynamic learning experiences at the intersection of movement and collaborative learning, demonstrating practical and fun strategies for both educators and learners.

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From Our Partners in OIIT – Changes to Faculty Self-Service, Grading and Student Information

OIIT wanted to make you aware of changes that have recently impacted accessing the Faculty Self-Service pages for Grading, Student Information among other links through an old look and feel. As of April 24th that old interface has been disabled. Since 2019 Faculty Self-Service was upgraded to a new look and feel, with the old version left in place for those who preferred it. However, the vendor is not supporting the old version causing it to not be available. Training materials are available here to help with this transition.

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From Our Partners in the NSU Libraries – LWW Health Library Collection including Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Examination

The Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (LWW) Health Library is a comprehensive online platform that provides core content (essential texts, procedure videos, images, real-life case studies, and quiz banks) to support health science education. The platform recently implemented new updates to improve your end-user experience, come learn more about the changes in an online webinar.

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Classic Rewind Series: Starting the Journey to Excellence with a College Faculty Onboarding Program

The journey to engaged, excellent teaching requires support and preparation for those doing the teaching! In this session, we describe a college Faculty Onboarding Program we developed in 2023 to introduce our new faculty to NSU and provide them with the resources and information needed to succeed in their new role—driven by the belief that effective onboarding will lead to higher job satisfaction, better job performance, greater organizational commitment, and reduction in stress. Informed by feedback from recently hired faculty, we identified support strategies to help new faculty thrive by proactively removing barriers and minimizing guesswork, rather than fixing issues in a reactive fashion.

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