Increasing Course Engagement and Promoting Active Learning
Collecting course materials for set learning objectives is rather straightforward: Chapter readings, Lectures, PowerPoint highlights or notes, Reference Videos and Reference Links. Passive content is necessary, but how are you engaging students? Have you developed points for students to apply what they’ve learned and grow before being assessed, or does your course consist of passive content followed by quizzes and exams? Student engagement and active learning are important for several reasons; not just to keep students involved, but also to help assess where a student’s knowledge lies at a given point in your course, and whether they have met the objectives set for the content. Engagement and active learning are even more important in online environments where there is little to no direct classroom interaction with students. Active learning facilitates: Engaging students, creating excitement around learning content Teacher to Student feedback, Student to Teacher communication and Student to Student interaction Targeting a variety of learning styles Improved assessment of student progress throughout the course Consider using some of the following methods to build Student Engagement and promote Active Learning, particularly after introducing some passive content in your course: Discussion Boards encourage student to student interactions, debate and critical thinking. Instructor involvement […]
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