More LEC Summer Recordings Available

Additional Recordings

The LEC is proud to present the recordings from the presentations of the LEC Summer Series. In the first video, Marti Snyder defines reflection, and how it can be used in the classroom to facilitate transformational learning experiences in face-to-face, online, and blended learning environments. In the second video, Rita Shae-Van Fossen, shows how to create infographics using Piktochart to communicate course content and share ways to use infographics for learning. In the third video, Timothy Hoeck and Mary Young introduced the new LEC Course Templates available in Canvas Commons. They discussed the purpose of the templates along with how to import the templates into your course, provided details on editing the content, and discussed some tips and tricks on maintaining course quality. 

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LEC Summer Series: Using Infographics to Communicate Syllabus and Other Course Information

Summer Series Infographics

On the first day of class, students are often intimidated by a syllabus that looks more like legal documents than an invitation to learn. This leads to students just ignoring its contents and instructors constantly saying, “it’s in the syllabus”. Infographics offer a visual option for communicating key course content in a way that is engaging and more memorable. Participants in this hands-on session will learn how to create infographics using Piktochart (Canva can also be used) to communicate course content and share ways to use infographics for learning.

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LEC Summer Series: Plagiarism and Using Turnitin for your Online Course

Plagiarism Flyer

If you have writing assignments in your course, then you already know that plagiarism can be a problem. This workshop will present the tool, Turnitin, which helps identify instances of potential plagiarism. During the workshop, you will learn about the various ways in which Turnitin can be used in your Canvas course so that you can begin screening writing assignments for plagiarism, as well as grammatical errors.

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