LEC Summer Series: Plagiarism and Using Turnitin for your Online Course

Plagiarism Flyer

If you have writing assignments in your course, then you already know that plagiarism can be a problem. This workshop will present the tool, Turnitin, which helps identify instances of potential plagiarism. During the workshop, you will learn about the various ways in which Turnitin can be used in your Canvas course so that you can begin screening writing assignments for plagiarism, as well as grammatical errors.

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LEC Summer Series Recording Available: Plagiarism and Using TurnitIn for Your Online Courses

The LEC is proud to present the recording from the presentation of the LEC Summer Series. In this video, John Scigliano presents the tool, Turnitin, which helps identify instances of potential plagiarism. During the workshop, you will learn about the various ways in which Turnitin can be used in your Canvas course so that you can begin screening writing assignments for plagiarism, as well as grammatical errors.

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Continuous Course Design

Student Using Computer

We all know that good course design is important for a great learning experience. However, no single design fits every situation. For instance, have you ever encountered an online course that was overloaded with content and not enough learning activities? Or maybe the learning activities were not aligned with the learning level of the content or the objectives. How can good course design influence the quality of learning? 

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