Conference Seats are Filling Up – Register Today! – Connect with Colleagues from Across NSU at a No-Cost Teaching & Learning Conference

Decorative Banner that reads - Destination Excellence: A Journey to Engaged Teaching and Learning

Destination Excellence: A Journey to Engaged Teaching and Learning, represents NSU’s collective ambition to create an educational environment that nurtures critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration. It recognizes that excellence is not a stagnant endpoint but an ongoing journey, requiring continuous improvement and adaptation.

You won’t want to miss informative and engaging concurrent sessions, roundtables, lightning rounds, shark tank discussions, and workshops, focused on topics such as:

• designing interprofessional simulation
• engaging and retaining diverse learners
• using generative AI for teaching and learning
• developing undergraduate research experiences and graduate TA training programs
• using inclusive language in your practice
• creating faculty onboarding programs
• applying strategies that support mental health and wellbeing
• and more!



The conference (November 1-2) and post-conference workshops (November 3) are free and open to all NSU educators (faculty, administration, staff) but you must register. If you want to attend a workshop, you will need to reserve a spot as space is limited.

The complete conference schedule along with post-conference workshops have been added to the conference lobby, which is visible upon registration. If you have already registered, you can access the lobby by clicking on the Register  / Join Lobby button below.

In the Conference Lobby, be sure to check out the list of amazing speakers and their presentation abstracts. Bookmark sessions and build your itinerary to plan out how you can make the most of your experience at the conference. If you aren’t familiar with Zoom Events, the video below has a couple of tips that can be helpful for you. We look forward to seeing youNovember 1st – 3rd 

Video placeholder (click to play), Conference Guide to Getting Started, Bookmark Your Sessions & Build Your Itinerary

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