From Our Partners in the NSU Libraries – Join Workshops on Statista and PolicyMap

The Statista database platform is one of the world’s most renowned data and statistics portals which can help provide statistics and data for your classes, presentations, and research. PolicyMap is a U.S. national data and mapping tool that combines a curated, comprehensive geographic data library with simple, robust mapping and analytics tools. Join us to learn about these library resources!

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Classic Rewind Series: That’s Debatable! How to Create Better Writers Using Micro-Debates

That’s Debatable! is a student-centered approach to academic literacy, discourse, and writing. Using the Claim Evidence Reasoning (CER) Framework, participants will explore a topic by examining a research article, preparing arguments both in support of and opposed to a proposed claim, and engage in academic discourse during the presentation phase by engaging in a micro debate. In this session, I will guide participants through the CER Framework and the micro-debate format. Participants will leave this session with the knowledge and resources required to engage their own students in micro-debates related to the topics currently being pursued in their courses.

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Classic Rewind Series: Technical Consideration of Artificial Intelligence, Learning Design, and Cognition

This session will cover the potential/current impact of artificial intelligence on cognitive load, learning design, and student development. We will explore the intersection of how students learn, the capabilities of AI in mitigating and minimizing unnecessary cognitive load which can foster student development and achievement while highlighting the ethical and academic implications of the future of education and machine learning.

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Classic Rewind Series: Beyond Plagiarism Detection: Cultivating Ethical AI Engagement in Student Projects

This presentation, tailored for university faculty, explores a UNIV 1000 assignment that redefines the traditional approach to academic integrity. Session participants will act the part of students, as they collaboratively utilize ChatGPT to create a draft, fact-check and revise, and document their workflow. The presentation will include examples of this assignment’s use in a recent UNIV 1000 course and the reaction of students.

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From Our Partners in the Alvin Sherman Library : Power Publishing Day is Jan 25th, Register Today

Do you want to share your scholarly research with the world? Have you written a story that you want everyone to read? Come join us on Thursday, January 25, for a day of learning about academic and non-academic publishing from publishers, editors, agents, other authors, and NSU faculty and staff. You will not want to miss this opportunity to meet editors and reps from publishing houses including Elsevier, Emerald, IGI, Clarivate, IEEE, SAGE, Cambridge University Press and more. You can attend in person or online. Complimentary breakfast and lunch will be served to In-Person attendees.

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Conference Seats are Filling Up – Register Today! – Connect with Colleagues from Across NSU at a No-Cost Teaching & Learning Conference

Please plan to join your colleagues at our annual conference Destination Excellence: A Journey to Engaged Teaching and Learning. The conference represents NSU’s collective ambition to create an educational environment that nurtures critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration. It recognizes that excellence is not a stagnant endpoint but an ongoing journey, requiring continuous improvement and adaptation. Please plan to join us by registering today!

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Save the Date! Destination Excellence: A Journey to Engaged Teaching and Learning

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, November 1st, and Thursday, November 2nd, 2023, for the Learning and Educational Center’s Teaching and Learning Virtual Conference! More information and the Call for Proposals will open in August and registration will open in early October. All NSU faculty, staff, and students who are interested in improving their teaching and learning research and practice are welcome to submit a proposal and attend the conference.

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LEC Hosts Teaching and Learning Conference for NSU Educators

The Learning and Educational Center recently hosted a two-day virtual conference that showcased a variety of NSU educators presenting a wide array of topics. The theme for the conference was, “Connect, Engage, Inspire,” and it gave NSU faculty an opportunity to share their knowledge and practices with other educators at the University. Presentations covered teaching strategies, technology tools, BEDI practices, student engagement, and more. We are pleased to share a full playlist of all conference presentations.

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