The Benefits of Using Supplemental Resources in the Online Classroom
When you plan or design an online course, it’s crucial that your assessments, objectives, and instructional materials align with each other. However, creating a coherent structure isn’t just for your own benefit. It also helps your students and other instructors comprehend why each course component is presented in conjunction with one another. Sometimes you may inherit a previously designed course and are unsure of how much flexibility is granted in the design based on student performance, prior knowledge, and preferences. Supplemental materials can provide instructors a way to fill in perceived gaps within the prescribed instructional materials and can offer instructors additional approaches to motivate students. Complementary supplemental learning materials can also aid instructors with meeting the diverse needs of all learners. What do students desire to be aware of in addition to the given topic? Supplemental resources are the non-required educational materials in an online course. When used effectively, these assets can inspire and transform learning, enhance motivation, and even supply additional assistance for online students who need it. Selecting Supplemental Resources As with all the pieces of an online course, you must carefully select supplemental resources that are in alignment with your instruction. First, consider the context of […]
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