ChatGPT, Caktus, and other AI Essay Generators: How Should We Respond?

This panel will provide participants with an overview of AI essay generators, specifically ChatGPT and Caktus, and how they might affect the teaching of writing across the university. Panelists from a variety of disciplines will share their perspectives on AI essay generators, including discussions they are having with students about essay generators, adjustments they have made to writing assignments, and how they might use essay generators as pedagogical tools. A discussion period will follow the presentation.

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Engaging Students with Virtual Escape Rooms

Virtual escape rooms have become quite popular in higher education. They’ve been used in education, business, healthcare, and many other disciplines. In general, as defined in the education context, a virtual escape room is a computer-based problem-solving activity that uses puzzle rooms and game-like components to educate and engage learners. Escape rooms are an excellent way to engage students by gamifying your lessons and making them fun to learn, while reinforcing existing knowledge. In this article, we discuss the process of planning and developing your own escape room.

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Let’s Discuss Plagiarism and Using Turnitin with Canvas

If you have writing assignments in your course, then you already know that plagiarism can be a problem. This workshop will present the tool, Turnitin, which helps identify instances of potential plagiarism. During the workshop, you will learn about the various ways in which Turnitin can be used in your Canvas course so that you can begin screening writing assignments for plagiarism, as well as grammatical errors.

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Canvas Mastery Paths Quick Take

Canvas Mastery paths allows you to deliver specific pieces of course content to students based on performance on a graded assignment, discussion, or quiz. It is particularly useful for asynchronous courses where you want to restrict access to content until a student can master prior content. Mastery Paths can also allow you to present remedial content to students who did not perform well on a graded item and can also be used to provide students with a choice of assignments as they pursue course learning objectives. Join us as we guide you through Mastery Paths for Canvas.

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A Comprehensive Review of 2022

This was a great year for the Learning and Educational Center. Once again, we enjoyed working with our amazing faculty on their courses, hosting a variety of workshops with University partners and NSU faculty members, and exploring new ground. Our LEC Advisory Council formed a subcommittee to host a Teaching and Learning Conference for all NSU employees and the event was a huge success. Additionally, the LEC Advisory Council helped form a competency framework for NSU educators. Our Faculty Studio continued to serve faculty who wanted to add high-quality video content to their courses and because of the tremendous response of students and faculty alike, we continued our Thank a Professor initiative, the results of which will be shared during the new year.

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LEC Articles in 2022

Team members from across the LEC drafted and published several articles in 2022 with topics ranging from Considering Course Design for Affective Learning to 15 Ways to Engage your Students. In addition to the articles, LEC team members produced short informative videos on the educational technology platforms used at NSU. We promise that you will find something new in the Learning with the LEC Video series. These articles and videos published throughout the year might deserve a second read or second look.

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LEC Initiatives in 2022

Thanks to the vision and perseverance of our dedicated LEC Advisory Council this year we held our inaugural Teaching and Learning Conference. We are so grateful for the commitment of our presenters and participants that made the event successful. In the coming months, you will hear more about our other new initiative, the NSU Educator Competency Framework. We also can’t wait to share the many thank you notes that students submitted for this year’s Thank a Professor initiative.

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Creating Captions and Editing with SharkMedia

Our video management software SharkMedia (aka Kaltura) is enormously powerful if you know where to look. This session is dedicated to showing you some quick tips for editing your video all on the web using SharkMedia. SharkMedia can also provide automated captions for your videos in addition to the editing options of snipping video as well as capturing your screen recordings. Join us as we go over these features and answer your questions about SharkMedia (Kaltura). 

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