Canvas Corner: New Feature Updates

On October 17th, Canvas will release two feature updates: Global Navigation-Recent History & New Canvas Rich Text Editor.   Global Navigation– Recent History Highlights: Includes a Recent History link, which displays recently visited pages in Canvas.   Helps users remember what page they last viewed in one or multiple courses.    This History link displays the most recent pages viewed in Canvas up to the last three weeks.   Click to view the article.  New Canvas Rich Text Editor  Highlights: Provides a condensed, more intuitive toolbar that is grouped by common icons and interactions.  Allows teachers to manage the feature option from the course level.   The following Canvas features use the New Rich Content Editor: Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Pages, Quizzes, Syllabus  To learn more about the New Rich Text Editor visit one of the links below:  New Rich Content Editor video  New Rich Content Editor lessons for instructors  New Rich Content Editor lessons for students 

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Strategies for Zoom Breakout Rooms

The use of Zoom to present content and collaborate with students in a synchronous environment has become very popular due to the problems faced with the outbreak of the pandemic. The challenge for instructors is to create quality student engagement in the online Zoom environment. One of the tools that can be used to stimulate engagement among students is the use of the breakout rooms.  Assigning Groups  Breakout rooms can be auto-assigned or pre-assigned by the host. Students can also self-assign and enter their selected room. Consider the purpose of the breakout groups as well as the needs of the students when forming these groups. The ability to self-assign is ideal when you want to allow students to move from group to group.  Explaining Breakout Rooms  The first time you use breakout rooms with your class, it’s helpful to give and overview of the features and model how to use them. Be sure to let them know what tools are available inside of their breakout rooms, including a shared white board, the ability to share their screen, chat and of course video and audio. Make sure they are familiar with the Ask for Help button, which will enable students to invite the […]

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Keeping Your Students Engaged While Teaching in the BlendFlex Model

Student engagement is critical to the academic success of students in all modalities of teaching. The BlendFlex Model combines Face-to-Face classroom with Online Synchronous and Asynchronous environments all at the same time.  After you have conquered the technology involved with this model, how do you create engagement with all your students? This article will discuss three different activities that are easy to setup and use that foster student engagement in the BlendFlex Model.   Assessing Students Experience on a Topic Each student has a treasure trove of experiences that they can bring to the discussion. However, you may find that sometimes your students are reluctant to initially express their experiences to the whole class.  When introducing topics you can activate this prior knowledge to begin to stimulate a discussion. Zoom has the perfect tool to get this conversation started; it is called polls. In advance of the session starting you can setup your poll questions. This will allow you to then select the right time in your class to deploy the poll to both online and face–to–face students. To effectively engage your face-to-face students, you can ask them to use a device like a phone, tablet or laptop to login to Zoom and participate along with your online synchronous students.    You can share the results of the poll as a stimulus for discussion. Polls can also be very helpful to understand how familiar the […]

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The Benefits of Using Supplemental Resources in the Online Classroom

When you plan or design an online course, it’s crucial that your assessments, objectives, and instructional materials align with each other. However, creating a coherent structure isn’t just for your own benefit. It also helps your students and other instructors comprehend why each course component is presented in conjunction with one another. Sometimes you may inherit a previously designed course and are unsure of how much flexibility is granted in the design based on student performance, prior knowledge, and preferences. Supplemental materials can provide instructors a way to fill in perceived gaps within the prescribed instructional materials and can offer instructors additional approaches to motivate students. Complementary supplemental learning materials can also aid instructors with meeting the diverse needs of all learners. What do students desire to be aware of in addition to the given topic? Supplemental resources are the non-required educational materials in an online course. When used effectively, these assets can inspire and transform learning, enhance motivation, and even supply additional assistance for online students who need it. Selecting Supplemental Resources As with all the pieces of an online course, you must carefully select supplemental resources that are in alignment with your instruction. First, consider the context of […]

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Sharing Video in Your Course

The transition to online has presented many challenges and opportunities, one of which is the need to include video content in your courses. When it comes to sharing video, the University through OIIT has provided us with several different tools, so how do you decide what is the best tool for the job? We created this handy graphic to help you decide which tool is the best for the job:  The chart above breaks down specific features and specifications for the variety of multimedia options available within the University. Your choice will likely depend on what you need to record for your scenario, and when or how you want to make it available to your students.  Multimedia Scenarios Having Students Attend a Live Session Zoom is the tool of choice to host online meetings or lectures: As a reader of our newsletter you are likely well aware Zoom provides the flexibility to allow participation through webcam/mics, chat room or breakout rooms for activities. For additional information about Zoom, check out the Instructional Continuity Page and the Online Teaching Toolbox from OIIT.  Pre-recording Lectures or Material Using Kaltura Capture, you can record your desktop or applications such as PowerPoint along with your webcam and microphone:   Once you finish a recording, Kaltura Capture can automatically upload your recordings to your SharkMedia account, and those recordings are available to you […]

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Staying Connected From a Distance

There is a bright side to every situation. It is just a matter of finding it. For instance, who could predict that we would be making educational history when we embarked on our learning paths this semester? Even though the pandemic we are currently facing has brought along many challenges, it has also given many instructors an opportunity to use technology and truly see how we can stay connected with each other. Now that “we” as a culture are practicing social distancing, television networks are adapting by using videoconferencing applications like Zoom or Microsoft Teams, so their onscreen talents can work from home and for the most part, they look quite comfortable in their own milieu. Video communication can reduce the feeling of isolation and it’s a more intimate form of communication-even in an online course. Keep reading for tips on effective communication in an online course. What has happened currently has impacted us all one way or another.  So, it is necessary to be flexible and create a trusting, warm, and welcoming environment online to make students feel comfortable and willing to communicate with you and their peers. Student engagement is critical in online courses. It is highly important […]

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NSU Title IX Office – Strategies for Maintaining a Harassment-Free Learning Environment

With NSU’s shift to online delivery of education, faculty face the new challenge of ensuring their virtual classrooms are free from harassment and discrimination. The NSU Title IX staff has developed several resources to assist the NSU community in the transition to online interactivity, and we would like to highlight one of these designed for faculty.  Specifically, there is a new Title IX webpage with practical strategies for faculty to enhance their classroom management skills to ensure that students’ online educational activities can be free from sexual harassment:  Title IX Virtual Resources for Faculty (  Suggestions for Zoom Hosts Your primary methods to ensure safety with Zoom meetings should be:   Only allowing attendees you expect in your session   Not allowing unintended video, audio or screen sharing   Moderating or removing disruptive attendees   To accomplish these goals, we have the following recommendations on Zoom meetings:    Never share meeting URL’s on public facing sites or services  Do not share your meeting URL on public facing sites like social media or forums. Students can access Zoom meetings in Canvas from the Course Menu, if necessary you can provide the meeting details by emailing or messaging participants directly.  Don’t use a Personal Meeting ID  The Meeting ID is the id used in a Zoom meeting URL. It is […]

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“Zoombombing” And What You Can Do to Prevent It

Zoombombing You may have heard the phrase “Zoombombing” recently talked about in the media. It is a disruptive practice of that seeks to disturb online meeting sessions by displaying offensive graphics, messages or broadcasting disruptive audio. You can think of this like a prank telephone call, but the results could be disastrous since you can’t erase or undo what happens, and all attendees will be part of it.  To protect your online classroom environment, please be sure to update your Zoom software and implement the suggestions listed below when scheduling and hosting Zoom sessions.  Update Your Zoom Software An important update for the Zoom application was released yesterday, April 2nd, 2020, fixing a recently identified security vulnerability. As a result, OIIT urges you to update your application in order to ensure platform safety, privacy, and security. To update Zoom, open the Zoom application on your Windows or Mac personal computer. You will see up to two different notifications alerting you of an application update. The first notification is a pop-up window that will appear with the “Zoom Update” (Pictured below). The second notification will appear on your Zoom application home screen. A light blue stripe is visible with verbiage that reads, “A new version is available! Update.” Click the “Update” button in either area and follow the onscreen prompts to […]

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Developing Effective Online Discussions

The discussion board is a prevalent tool for online or blended learning. Online discussions offer an opportunity for students to interact with their instructor, other students and course materials. However, you may occasionally find discussion boards are not as effective or engaging as expected. Participation may be lower than anticipated or comments might be low quality. Students could grow tired of posting on discussion boards rendering it less effective as a learning tool. Instructors on the other hand, may become overwhelmed by the numerous comments and may find it challenging to review all of them. This article explores ways online instructors can improve the effectiveness of discussion boards. Introductory Discussion Board We recommend your first discussion board be “Introduce Yourself” or “Meet your Classmates”. This discussion will help everyone get acquainted with each other and get familiar with the use of discussion boards. Consider providing some basic instruction on how to use the discussion boards for those that may be new to the process. This is also a great way to get to know your students. You might use this opportunity to explain how and when you intend to use discussion boards in your course. Clear Directions and Expectations If […]

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Collaboration Among Students

Ideally, a collaborative team is a “small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goal, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable” (Katzenbach & Smith, 1993 p. 45). However, many students and even instructors cringe when they see the words “group project.” Interestingly, this phenomenon is known as “grouphate.” Grouphate is the sheer dread and contempt that people feel regarding working on a team or group (Sorenson, 1981). Nonetheless, student collaboration can be a great way for learners to connect with experienced professionals and gain insight on other perspectives. Click the button below to read more on how to create palatable collaborations in your online course. Effective collaborative learning helps to improve cognitive skills. Teamwork is a necessary employability skill and extremely crucial in group project-based learning. Learners benefit more from group projects when they are carefully placed into a collaborative team. Although constructing effective groups may be a daunting task in online courses, especially when the instructor does not know the student. There are a couple of approaches that instructors can use to help select group members such as, ask background questions in the introductory discussion board, create a survey, […]

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