Incorporating in-video quizzes with Annoto

How to Create an In-Video Quiz with Annoto in Canvas

Incorporating in-video quizzes into your Canvas assignments is an excellent way to enhance student engagement and reinforce learning. These quizzes allow students to interact with video content by answering questions as they watch, helping to ensure they are actively processing the material. In this article, we will discuss the steps to create an in-video quiz within an assignment in Canvas, utilizing the Annoto integration. 

Why Use In-Video Quizzes? 

In-video quizzes provide an interactive learning experience that can lead to better retention and understanding of the content. They allow instructors to: 

  • Assess comprehension in real-time: You can gauge how well students understand the material as they progress through the video. 
  • Encourage active learning: By requiring students to respond to questions, you keep them engaged and focused. 
  • Provide immediate feedback: Students can receive feedback on their answers instantly, allowing them to learn and correct mistakes on the spot. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an In-Video Quiz in Canvas 


  1. Create a New Assignment:
    • Navigate to the “Assignments” section in your Canvas course.
    • Click the “+ Assignment” button to create a new assignment.
    • Give your assignment a title and a description that clearly explains the task to your students. 
  1. Add the In-Video Quiz:
    • In the “Submission Type” dropdown, select “External Tool.”
    • Click “Find”.
      • You have a choice of Annoto Media Gallery Embed or Embed Annoto Media
        • Annoto Media Gallery Embed will allow you to select the video from your My Media or your Media Gallery
        • Embed Annoto  Media you are required to enter a title, link, and click embed  
  2.  Configure the Quiz:
    • Find the Annoto dashboard on your global menu and open
    • In the Hub area, select the video you connected to and then click on preferences and select in the preset area Assignment and click apply. This will activate quiz in the preference.
    • In the global Canvas menu, click assignment, find the assignment you were creating, and you will be able to add quiz questions at specific timestamps in the video. These can be multiple-choice, true/false, or short-answer questions, depending on your needs. For more detailed instructions and additional resources, you can refer to the Annoto guide for creating in-video quizzes within assignments. 
  1. Finalize the Assignment:
    • After setting up the quiz, return to the Canvas assignment page and edit.
    • Set the point value, due date, and any other assignment settings you prefer.
    • Click “Save” or “Save & Publish” to make the assignment available to your students. 
  1. Monitor Student Progress:
    • Once students start completing the assignment, you can monitor their progress and review their quiz results directly within Canvas.
    • The data can provide valuable insights into how well students are grasping the video content. 

Creating in-video quizzes within Canvas assignments is an effective way to mix video content with interactive learning. By following the steps outlined above, you can integrate this feature into your course, providing a more engaging and effective learning experience for your students. For more information on the in-video quizzes in Annoto please email