Learning with the LEC: Annoto Dashboard

Video can be a great way to present course content to your students. Most video-watching experiences are passive though, and there aren’t many ways to ensure that students are even watching. Annoto is a new tool available to instructors at NSU directly through your Canvas courses. Annoto engages your students by transforming the video-watching experience from a passive one into an active one, enabling learners to contribute, share and learn together, experience videos as an interactive group, and keep a personal journal of notes. It allows instructors to guide the video-watching experience with comments, formative assessments, and focused discussions, as well as the ability to answer questions from students related to the video. It also provides instructors with detailed analytics on who watched the video, whether they completed it, and their level of engagement while watching. Every interaction is time-tagged to a specific part of the video and preferences can be customized in the Annoto dashboard. The dashboard and Annoto features are all housed within your Canvas course with no need to register or go to outside websites.
In this episode of the Learning with the LEC series, you will be guided on how to access the Annoto Dashboard, as well as how to set your Annoto preferences and see video analytics.
For more information on Annoto, please visit: Introduction – User Guides (annoto.net)
To learn how to add Annoto to your course videos, please watch the Learning with the LEC episode on that topic.