Workshop: Talking to your students about Generative AI

Date & Time:

July 26th, 2023 – 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Eastern

Workshop Facilitator:

Walter Milner, Instructional Designer – Learning and Educational Center


With the rapid onset of available generative artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT and Bard, the world of higher education has become immersed in ongoing conversations about how these tools will affect instruction and assessment. Much of the talk has centered around the potential for cheating, how to adapt instructional activities, and the ethical and practical dimensions for both faculty and students using these tools. While faculty and administration are having these conversations, there is a group who is often not involved in them – the students themselves. Students are likely to be confused as to when, if, and how they can use generative AI during their courses. For this reason, it is important to communicate with your students regarding generative AI and how you expect it to be used, or not used, during your courses. This workshop will give guidance on where, when, and how to communicate with students about generative AI along with writing a generative AI policy. It will also go over guiding students with citations, talking to them about the ethics of generative AI, and guiding students in how to determine when generative AI is useful and the need to scrutinize the results.

Learning Objectives 

Upon completion of this workshop, learners will be able to:

1. Outline practical approaches to communicating with students regarding generative AI

2. Plan for and develop a course policy regarding generative AI

3. Assess the implications of generative AI in their courses

4. Plan for discussions with students about ethics and citation with regard to generative AI


Online Zoom  


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