Teaching Toolbox Workshop: Designing Group Assignments for Effective Learning

Date & Time: 

June 20th, 2024 – 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Workshop Facilitator:

Walter Milner, Instructional Designer IV, NSU Learning and Educational Center


Group assignments can be very beneficial to student learning. They can teach students to work in a group, as well as how to plan and organize projects in a way that reflects the professional world. They can also be a challenge to organize, carry out, and grade, and they can sometimes elicit negative feelings on the part of both instructors and students. Unfortunately, these feelings may overshadow the benefits of doing these types of assignments and projects. In this workshop, we will go over strategies and techniques that can improve the process and make group assignments more effective and rewarding. We will also highlight various features of the Canvas LMS that may help support the process.

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this workshop, learners will be able to:

  1. Identify multiple strategies to improve the effectiveness of group assignments.
  2. Locate tools within Canvas which can be utilized during group assignments.


Online Zoom


To register for this course visit: https://nova.traincaster.com/app/Login.pm?course_code=LECGroup06202024 select Traincaster, log in, and then click on Classroom Schedule.     

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