Teaching Toolbox Workshop: Designing and Incorporating Experiential Learning into Your Courses

Date & Time:

July 25th, 2024 – 12:35 pm to 1:30 pm Eastern

Workshop Facilitators:

Marti Snyder, Director of Faculty Development, NSU Learning & Educational Center

Alfreda Francis, Assistant Directory of Faculty Development, NSU Learning & Educational Center



Experiential learning can happen in classrooms, through study away programs, service learning, research projects, and more. However, experiential learning doesn’t just happen on its own. The design of these experiences must be intentional. In this session, we will explore how to use Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle to guide the design of experiential learning coursework. We will share an example of how one Honors course was designed and implemented and discuss how we used Kolb’s Learning Cycle to ensure the course included opportunities for learners to have authentic experiences, reflect on those experiences, and apply their learning to new situations. Participants will develop their own action plan that they can use to guide the design of their own experiential learning course or activity.

Learning Objectives 

Upon completion of this workshop, learners will be able to:

  • Define experiential learning and intentional design. 
  • Describe Kolb’s Learning Cycle and how it can be used to guide experiential learning design.
  • Develop an action plan that can be used to create an experiential learning opportunity relevant to their discipline.


Online Zoom  


To Register for the course, visit – https://nova.traincaster.com/app/Login.pm?course_code=LECExper07252024, select Traincaster, log in, and then click on Classroom Schedule.

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