Classic Rewind Series: Packing our Bags for Inclusive Classroom Engagement: Strategies for Actively Engaging Students to Explore Diversity

Today’s college students are on a journey to grow knowledge, skills, and competence in the profession of their dreams. The landscape of the learning environment requires faculty to adjust their teaching styles as students respond to changes in societal norms. Creating a curriculum to meet the needs of multiple learning styles and a diverse student population must include various teaching methods. In addition to developing new teaching methods, it is essential to consider the growing cultural profile of our nation.

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From Our Partners in the NSU Libraries – LWW Health Library Collection including Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Examination

The Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (LWW) Health Library is a comprehensive online platform that provides core content (essential texts, procedure videos, images, real-life case studies, and quiz banks) to support health science education. The platform recently implemented new updates to improve your end-user experience, come learn more about the changes in an online webinar.

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Classic Rewind Series: Starting the Journey to Excellence with a College Faculty Onboarding Program

The journey to engaged, excellent teaching requires support and preparation for those doing the teaching! In this session, we describe a college Faculty Onboarding Program we developed in 2023 to introduce our new faculty to NSU and provide them with the resources and information needed to succeed in their new role—driven by the belief that effective onboarding will lead to higher job satisfaction, better job performance, greater organizational commitment, and reduction in stress. Informed by feedback from recently hired faculty, we identified support strategies to help new faculty thrive by proactively removing barriers and minimizing guesswork, rather than fixing issues in a reactive fashion.

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From Our Partners in the NSU Libraries – Join Workshops on Statista and PolicyMap

The Statista database platform is one of the world’s most renowned data and statistics portals which can help provide statistics and data for your classes, presentations, and research. PolicyMap is a U.S. national data and mapping tool that combines a curated, comprehensive geographic data library with simple, robust mapping and analytics tools. Join us to learn about these library resources!

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