LEC Summer Series: Foundations of Instructional Design – Part 1

Foundations of Instructional Design Flyer

Have you ever had to have the alignment checked on your car because it kept veering to one side? Maybe you have had a spinal alignment done to relieve back pain.  Just like anything else that can lose effectiveness once the alignment is off track, your course can be misaligned and potentially throw your students off track.  A misaligned course contains gaps in learning objectives, activities, assignments, and/or assessments. In this one-hour workshop, we will discuss the components of well-written learning objectives and their connection, or alignment, to activities and assessments in your course. 

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Hypertextual Class Projects and Digital Communities

LEC Guest Lecture Series HyperTextual Class Project Digital Communities

Facilitator: Dr. Aileen Miyuki Farrar, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Literature, Halmos College of Arts & Sciences. Digital curriculum, or curriculum that emphasizes the use of technology to support or enhance learning environments and means of assessment, impacts the identities of those within education communities. In this session, we will explore the history and culture of hypertexts as a means of cultivating digital communities; the significance of digital communities to student learning; and the ways hypertextual class projects may exercise students’ comprehension and appreciation of cybercultural concepts regarding globalization, heterogeneity, and interconnectedness.

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Infusing Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Into Distance and Blended Educational Environments

Facilitator: Tim Scala, Psy.D., Associate Professor/Licensed Clinical Supervisor Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice We invite you to join Dr. Scala and your colleagues on April 7th as we explore Infusing Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Into Distance & Blended Educational Environments. The purpose of this session is to assist faculty in understanding the importance of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and integrating concepts and strategies of SEL into online distance and blended educational environments. Common student challenges/concerns along with solutions will be discussed. Online resources will be provided that faculty can refer to and utilize in their courses. 

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Creating Meaningful Social Presence in Online Classes

LEC Guest Lecture Series Creating Meaningful Social Presence

Facilitator: Jennifer Reeves, Ph.D. Director of Dissertation Support Services/Associate Professor Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice. Using Garrison, Anderson and Archer’s (2000) Community of Inquiry (CoI) Framework, this interactive presentation will focus on ways to create meaningful and lasting social presence in your online classes, meetings, and/or virtual conference.

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Visual Design – Back to Basics

Visual Design Square

Facilitator: Eunice Luyegu, CPT, Ph.D., Curriculum Design Specialist/Assistant Professor Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences We invite you to join Dr. Luyegu and your colleagues on March 17th as we go Back to Basics on Visual Design. The purpose of this session is to share applicable visual design principles on aesthetics such as color, font, space, layout, and other elements. A simple, clear, and organized course promotes communication and improves students’ experience and engagement.

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Using Case Studies to Enhance Instructional Approaches and Students’ Learning Experiences

Using Case Studies Square

Facilitator: Bertha Amisi, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Halmos College of Arts and Sciences The purpose of this session is to discuss how case studies add value to instructional approaches and students learning experience. The session will include an overview of the idea of cases in the context of teaching, a presentation of my own use of cases as instructional and learning material, and a plenary discussion of effective use of cases to enhance learning and instruction. 

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Three Engaging Instructional Activities to Stimulate Active Learning

In a recent LEC Newsletter Article, Leveraging Canvas and NSU Software in the Online Classroom, you were introduced to some of the tools you have available to stimulate active and learner-aligned strategies to students such as videos and zoom breakout rooms. This article presents three easy-to-setup activities that you can use immediately in your course to generate interest and increase student engagement. 

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Implicit Bias: What Does This Have To Do With Me, and Why Should I Care?

Implicit Bias Square

Facilitator: Gabriela Mendez, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Abraham S. Fischler College of Education & School of Criminal Justice   In this interactive session, the presenter will introduce definitions of implicit bias and engage participants in discussing implicit biases, potential effects they may have on our life and work, and strategies to deal with them.   Although the session is currently full, join the waitlist for this important lecture and we will be sure that you get a recording of the session. Learning Objectives:   Participants will be able to:   Define the term “implicit bias.”   Identify their own implicit biases.   Discuss strategies and tools to prevent the effects that their implicit biases may have on their students and colleagues.       Access resources (articles, videos, presentations) on implicit bias.     Location: Zoom  Wednesday, March 10th, 2021, from 12:00-1:00 p.m. – SESSION IS FULL, Join Waitlist to be sent Recording To Register for this course visit – https://nova.traincaster.com/app/Login.pm?course_code=LECGuestMar10  select Traincaster, log in, and then click on Classroom Schedule. 

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Using Universal Design (UDL) Best Practices in a BlendFlex Environment

Facilitator: Jennifer P. Wilson, Ed.D., Director, Student Disability Services, Division of Student Affairs This will be an interactive discussion on how to support diverse learners in a BlendFlex environment through Universal Design Learning (UDL) best practices. Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to: Learn about Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Learn about and discuss best practices for UDL Learn about and discuss diverse learners’ needs in a BlendFlex model Location: Zoom Date and Time: Thursday, February 18th, 2021 from 12:30-1:30 p.m. To Register for this course visit  https://nova.traincaster.com/app/Login.pm?course_code=LECGuestFeb18, select Traincaster, log in, and then click on Classroom Schedule.

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