Teaching Toolbox Workshop: Developing a Podcast Assignment

Date & Time:

June 13th, 2024 – 12:35 pm – 1:30 pm

Workshop Facilitators:

Walter Milner, Instructional Designer IV, NSU Learning and Educational Center


Podcasts are a creative and fun way to engage with important concepts and course-based knowledge. They offer a different approach to foster and demonstrate learning and can engage students who may otherwise have a low level of interest. In this workshop, we will show you how to develop an assignment where your students create a podcast. We will cover the equipment and software needed (spoiler alert: it’s free and easy), podcast formats, how to guide your students through the steps, and how to publish or share the results.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this workshop, learners will be able to:

  1. Describe the potential benefits and limitations of a podcasting assignment for students.
  2. Explain the hardware and software requirements for a podcasting assignment, along with common podcast formats.
  3. Outline the steps for developing a podcasting assignment for students.


Online Zoom


To register for this course visit: https://nova.traincaster.com/app/Login.pm?course_code=LECPodcast06132024 select Traincaster, log in, and then click on Classroom Schedule.     

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