Canvas Mastery Paths Quick Take

Date & Time: 

March 8th, 2023 – 12:05 pm – 1:00 pm  

Hands-on Opportunity from 1:00 pm to 1:15 pm

Workshop Facilitator:

John Scigliano, Faculty Trainer- Learning and Educational Center


Canvas Mastery paths allow you to deliver specific pieces of course content to students based on performance on a graded assignment, discussion, or quiz. It is particularly useful for asynchronous courses where you want to restrict access to content until a student can master prior content. Mastery Paths can also allow you to present remedial content to students who did not perform well on a graded item and can also be used to provide students with a choice of assignments as they pursue course learning objectives. Join us as we guide you through Mastery Paths for Canvas.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this session, you will be able to: 

  • Describe the purpose of Mastery Paths and how they can be used in Canvas.  
  • Demonstrate the use of Mastery Paths in Canvas course modules. 
  • Demonstrate the technique to allow a page to be a Canvas Mastery Path module item. 
  • Demonstrate adding of conditional content to a Canvas Mastery Path source item. 
  • Demonstrate the assigning of a conditional assignment for students to complete in Canvas Mastery Paths. 
  • Demonstrate the viewing of the Canvas Mastery Paths points range breakdown results for an assignment. 


Online Zoom


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