Faculty Book Club: Creating Self-Regulated Learners

Creating Self-Regulated Learners: Strategies to Strengthen Students’ Self-Awareness & Learning Skills written by Linda B. Nilson

Faculty members attending these sessions will learn techniques they can use to enhance their students’ self-regulation, and those techniques are differentiated for different points in a course. The author “distinguishes self-regulation from related constructs such as metacognition, deliberate practice, and emotional control based on the latest research and theory. . . . [She] defines self-regulation in temporal terms—namely, processes and beliefs that precede, accompany, and follow efforts to learn, which in turn affect subsequent cycles of learning. This temporal approach to self-regulated learning has important benefits for both students and teachers, such as producing increases in students’ achievement, depth and scope of reasoning, conscious focus on learning, and enhanced self-reflection.” (p. xxii)


Online Zoom

Date & Time:

  • October 7, 21, 28
  • November 11
  • December 2, 9, 16
  • January 13, 20, 27
  • February 3, 10

All dates at 12:05pm Eastern


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