LEC Summer Series: Reflection Activities and Assessments
Facilitator: Marti M. Snyder, Ph.D., Director of Faculty Professional Development, NSU Learning and Educational Center | Office of Academic Affairs
In this one-hour session, we will define reflection, why it is important, and how it can be used in the classroom to facilitate transformational learning experiences in face-to-face, online, and blended learning environments.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will:
1. Define reflection.
2. Discuss relevant theories, models, and frameworks.
3. Identify reflection activities that can be used in the classroom.
4. Identify methods of assessing reflection.
Online Zoom
Date and Time:
July 27th, 2021 – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
To Register for this session visit- https://nova.traincaster.com/app/Login.pm?course_code=LECREFLECTJul27 select Traincaster, login, and then click on Classroom Schedule.